
Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a powerful tool that often remains underutilized by many businesses. Its ability to manage tags without editing code provides opportunities to track a wide variety of user interactions and gain insights into website performance. Ajs Web Designs recognizes the untapped potential of GTM and provides services to help clients harness …

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The Best eCommerce Platforms for Small Businesses in 2022

The Best eCommerce Platforms for Small Businesses in 2022 By 2023, eCommerce is projected to encompass about 22% of all retail sales. This amounts to about $6.5 trillion! If you’re a small business looking to make a name for yourself in online shopping, selecting an eCommerce platform is a critical first step. Read on to learn about …

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8 Benefits of Hiring an SEO Expert

8 Benefits of Hiring an SEO Expert If you want to grow your website and boost traffic, then you need to consider hiring an SEO expert. We explain why in this guide. While Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an easy, cost-effective strategy to improve the awareness of your company, only 30% of small businesses have an SEO …

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